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Location: Osterville, Massachusetts, United States

I am a professor at Cape Cod Community College and and a member of a Buddhist order. After a 30-year career as a newspaper reporter and editor I became a full-time professor in 2001. I am the author of the textbooks "The Elements of News Writing" and "The Elements of Academic Writing." I enjoy running, hiking and camping. I have two grown sons and two grandchildren.

Friday, March 23, 2007

#13 Up early

I got up at 6 a.m. this morning. I want to keep up that routine. It is good for my health and emotions. It gives me time to run and mediate in the morning.
I also need to write more. I have four books to write: 1: The Elements of News Writing, 2nd edition; 2. Along the Path; 3. Whither the Revolution; 4. The Elements of English Composition. Instead of putting them all off, I think I am going to start Word documents for all four, and when I have even a brief time like 10 or 15 minutes to spare, I can open one of the four files and insert a few ideas, sentences or paragraphs. I know -- KNOW -- that if I write all four of those books, one of them is going to sell well and make a lot of money. I want to get them done!


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